Need a barcode?

Need a Global Location Number?

Cancelled a prefix, but want to use it again?

Want to cancel any barcode range or GLN or single GTIN or GDSN membership?

  • GS1 Cancellation Form
    Complete this form if you want to cancel your prefix (barcode range) single GLN or GDSN membership.

Changed company or contact details?

  • GS1 Update Membership form

    Complete this form if you have:

    – Changed any company related data like telephone number, fax number, postal address, street address, company name, trading as name, etc.

    – Changed any contact related data like GS1 or Financial Contact person, telephone number, fax number, e-mail, postal address, etc.

    – Merged with another company or has taken over another company that also has barcode numbers.

Barcode and/or item measurement verification?

  • Barcode Verification and/or Item Measurement application Form

    Complete this form if you want any of the other services:

    – Barcode symbol verification (make sure that it scans and if not why not).

    – Item verification (weights, measures and basic label data).

    – Barcode symbol verification and Item verification.

Enriched Data membership

  • Contact GS1 South Africa to receive the Enriched Data registration form to publish items for the use of retailers and logistic providers.

Training forms

Consulting services request

  • Consulting
    You can do an online request if you want us to visit you and assist with specific standards implementation or training or problem solving.